Daily / Weekly / Monthly Open Group Rides in and around Houston
(updated August 2019)
Below is a list of ongoing / consistent rides in and around the Houston, TX area.
Since the leaders are volunteering and sometimes things don’t work out as planned,
please be reasonable with your expectations of these rides.
Also, make sure your bike is in good working order and that you come prepared for
flats and other small maintenance issues. (i.e. have at least one tube, a small pump or CO2 cartridges, etc)
Read the descriptions & average MPH of the rides thoroughly before you arrive at the staring point–and know your limits.
If you want to take a chance and try out faster rides–by all means, do so! 🙂 However, it is inconsiderate to the other riders
to expect them to wait on slower riders… so make a contingency plan in case you can’t keep up or have a major mechanical.
Wearing a helmet is definitely a freedom of choice issue… but Houston Bike Exchange recommends that you always wear one–especially when riding in a group. (If you crash out during a ride and have a head injury or die–that pretty much ends the ride for everyone else–which is pretty inconsiderate.)
Riding at night without lights is simply stupid. Houston roads and drivers are WAY too sketchy to take that kind of chance. For less than $20 you can get some pretty dope lights online–so there’s no excuse for riding commando @ night.
So, please bring lights (both tail and headlights) on evening and night rides. (It seriously reduces the likelihood of crashes with
cars and other riders–and increases your own ability to see road hazards.)
And lastly–CHALLENGE YOURSELF. If you can ride 20 miles, you can ride 40 miles. If you can ride 40 miles, you can ride 60 miles.
If you can ride 60 miles, you can ride 100 miles. Usually the largest limiting factor is your own MIND… (but sometimes it’s your janky ass bike, too)! 🙂
So don’t be a afraid to GO FOR IT. You’ve got a BIG cycling community here in Houston riding beside, behind you, and in front of you–supporting you–encouraging you… just make sure you come prepared to do the same.
*** If you are involved with any of the rides below and the info has changed feel free to contact me through this site and I will update the info for you.
- Toxic Shocks – Ladies only! (unless you are invited to join in drag) 7 p.m. Roll out at 715ish p.m. Social pace, no drop 10-20 miles. Visit our page for meet up spot. Post any questions on page. https://www.facebook.com/groups/toxicshocks
- Monday Monster Mash Ride – 715pm from Bohemeos 18mph+sprints 24-28miles https://www.facebook.com/groups/322976574569114/
- Monday Madness – 7:20pm from 1917 N. Main 20-24 miles @ 18-22mph
- Karbach Brews Cruise – social pace, start varies.
- Margarita Monday Ride – Meet up at Yucatan Taco Stand (24 Waterway) at 7:00 pm. Roll out at 7:30pm. 12-15 miles, social pace, no drop. Midpoint Los Cucos for $2 Margaritas.
- West End Memorial Park Start – 6:30pm sharp, 26Miles A group-22-28mph B group 18-22mph – Meet at Memorial Park Pool
- SW HTX Bike Club – 7pm, Sugar Land Town Square, 16-20mph, 20miles, Social Ride https://www.facebook.com/groups/137239356442994/
- Bike Barn’s Green Light Express – 7pm roll from 5339 Wesleyan, 21 Miles, A & B groups https://www.facebook.com/groups/277922879277776
- Urban Ride – 7pm, 4530 W34th, Aggressive Mountain Bike Urban Ride streets and trails https://www.facebook.com/groups/562681060446240/
- Bike Polo – 8:00pm Carnegie Vanguard High School https://www.facebook.com/groups/189444801098241/
- Haardvark Tuesday – Fast 23mph+, 30miles with lots of sprints zones and Keemah Bridge Wheels down at 7pm: HWY3 @ Clearlake Blvd – Lights/Helmets – 2 water stops
- Tuesday Night Worlds – Handlebar Cyclery 6:15 – A & B Group 30miles
- Tuesday Devo Road Bike Ride – Goforth Park – Roll 6:00pm, 27m, 18-20mph+sprints
March to October (Daylight saving time) https://www.facebook.com/NeilsonDevo/ - Pride Bike Ride Houston – Meeting at Hamburger Mary’s 2409 Grant St. Houston, Tx 77006 at 7:00PM and roll out at 7:30PM sharp. This is as social pace and each ride is appromixately 15-20 miles. The route will be posted in the group prior to the ride. https://www.facebook.com/groups/1476411855820999/
- LITE BIKE – 7pm Sharp – 2155 Durham Dr. – 33 miles 22+mph – Lights, helmets & clean pace lines. 1st & 2nd Group.
https://www.facebook.com/groups/nitebikehtx/ - MOD Tuesdays – Ladies only Tuesday Training ride – 17-19mph – Meet at the Target on Shearn. Heights Target. 7:15pm
- Woodlands Taco Tuesday – Guadalajara, Lake Woodlands Dr. Meet up at 7:00 pm, Roll at 7:30 pm. 12-15 miles, casual pace, Midpoint Various Locations serving Tacos
- Blue Line Bike Lab – White Oak Location 7pm, 30 miles, A, B & C groups https://www.facebook.com/bluelinebikelab?fref=ts
- iCycle – 7pm, 23 miles, medium to fast
- Tourdehood – Depart 7:00pm from 2305 Wheeler, social ride
https://www.facebook.com/Tour-De-Hood-147646565259515/ - Urban Bicycle Gallery – 6:30pm, 20 miles, 20 mph
- Galveston Bike Social – 6:30PM 5-10miles, Social Pace https://www.facebook.com/events/492721560813573/#!/GITXBS
- NorthWest Social Cycling Scene – 7pm @ Northwest Cycles – 290 & Jones, 20-ish miles, 16mph pace. https://www.facebook.com/groups/CypressCM/
- Cypresswood Trail Group Ride – 6:30pm at Collins Park trail head.
- West Bike Scene – Roll out at 7:00pm 21-27miles Group A 20-24mph Group B 15-17mph New meetup location: Sun & Ski at Memorial City Mall, Houston, TX 77024 https://www.facebook.com/groups/Westchasehtxbikescene/
- Jack Brooks Trail Group Ride – Ride Houston’s premier MTB trail with the best out there. No drop, fast/med/slow groups depending on turnout:
https://www.facebook.com/groups/116000195081102/ - EastEndBikeRide – 1st Wed: Single Speed. 2nd & 4th Wed: Fast Ride. 3rd Wed: Social Ride. Meets at D&W at 7pm, rolls out at 7:15pm. Check group page for full details & Weekend Rides.
https://www.facebook.com/groups/249288511902089/ - Sugar Cycles Wednesdays – 6pm Sharp Sugar Cycles Store – 20 miles, very fast 23mph+ sprint zones – lights/helmets required
- NITE BIKE HTX – 7pm Sharp – 2155 Durham Dr. – 33miles 24+mph – Lights, helmets & clean pace lines, sometimes post ride beers.
https://www.facebook.com/groups/nitebikehtx/ - West End Memorial Park Start – 6:30pm sharp, 26Miles A group-22-28mph B group 18-22mph – Meet at Memorial Park Pool
- The Planetary Urban Tour – Planetary Cycles, 8715 West Loop South, Suite B, Houston, TX, 7pm roll out, hosted by Come Ride With Us, 22 miles (two routes), minimum 16mph ( A,B,C groups), helmet, headlight, tail light required, http://www.meetup.com/Come-Ride-With-Us-Meetup-Group/events/229350404/
- Bike Polo – 8:00pm Carnegie Vanguard High School https://www.facebook.com/groups/189444801098241/
- Liquor & Wood Bike Crew – LWBC Social Thursdays – 3509 Harrisburg 7:30pm 15-20 Miles at a social ride pace.
https://www.facebook.com/groups/557071524461374/ - The Woodlands Thirsty Thursday Ride – 7:30 PM roll out. Casual group is 12-15 miles, 14-16 mph Meet at Whole Foods, Lake Woodlands Dr.
https://www.facebook.com/groups/WoodlandsSocialRide/ - South Houston Cycling – 7:30 PM Roll out SHARP! Distance : 20 miles. Speed : 19 to 21 MPH. Be prepared to pick up the pace in the home stretch. 1500 Main St. South Houston, Texas 77587. See FB group for more details.
- Crucial Matter – Tour De Taco Ride – Market Square Park 7:20pm, Social Ride https://www.facebook.com/groups/CrucialMatter/
- Southeast Buds & Suds Social – Meets the 1st Friday of every month where we will depart from a different starting point somewhere in the Southeast Houston area. Routes will be approximately, 20 + miles. Bring lights, friends & cash for faster service. Meet at 7:00pm – Wheels down & rolling by 7:30pm. Click the following link for details on the next ride: https://www.facebook.com/groups/clearlakeCM/1058947467505790/?notif_t=group_activity
- HTX BIKE SOCIAL – 7:00 pm, meet @ Whole Foods on 701 Waugh Drive, social pace 16-24miles @ 14-15 mph – Interesting stops and events.
- Crucial Matter – Raspa & Elote Ride – Market Square Park 7:20pm, Social Ride https://www.facebook.com/groups/CrucialMatter
- 281 FIXED – BAYTOWN – CORK GRINDERS 7:00pm – Speedy Social Ride
- Houston Ghost Ride – 7 PM, Tranquilty Park pace above 15 mph with routes TBD https://www.facebook.com/groups/882355708504245/
- Critical Mass Houston – 7PM @ Guadalupe Plaza Park 2311 Runnels. Slow, social pace.
- iCycle Ride – 8am, 23 miles, medium to fast
- Urban Bike Gallery – 8 AM, 22 miles at 16-22 mph (A, B, C groups depending on riders that show up), 4814 Nett Street, http://urbanbicyclegallery.com https://www.facebook.com/groups/1377308225849144/
- Ice Cream Ride – 9:30am sharp, Meet at Happy Fatz, 27 miles, 18-22mph pace
- Seawall Sally Ride – 6:30pm – 2nd, 3rd, 4th Saturdays – 10-15miles, social pace https://www.facebook.com/events/492721560813573/#!/pages/Seawall-Sally-Bike-Ride/170870496432779
- West Oaks – (7am winter & 630am summer) Starbucks 5535 Memorial Dr. – 60 or 100 Mile Option, very fast. https://www.facebook.com/groups/474543862724919/
- Critical Mass Galveston – 1st Saturday of the month – 2pm – 5-10miles, social pace https://www.facebook.com/events/492721560813573/#!/groups/440786199342239/
- Houston Randonneurs – 1st Saturday of the month, departure times vary, rides are 200, 300, 400, 600, and 1000km, $25 annual membership required, http://www.houstonrandonneurs.org/
- Sun and Ski Westheimer, meet 7:30, roll at 8am. approx 25 miles, all levels 14+mph, and a small faster group (18-22mph). Goes to Memorial Park, then Discovery Green, through River Oaks, and back to Sun & Ski, where they have coffee, fruit, and some pastries.
- Urban Ride 8am Memorial Park. Ride starts at the entrance of the Green Trail, Picnic Ln. 16mph average. The route is always different made up of 50% pavement. The route is usually made up of sidewalks, back roads, trails, fields, parking garages, bayous, outdoor center, parks. https://www.facebook.com/groups/562681060446240/
- Sunday Ride from BBC The Sunday BBC ride is 74 miles of great roads and fun rollers that starts at the Bike Barn on Cypresswod @ Stubner. This is a fast “race pace” (22+avg). Wheels down promptly at 7:30AM.
- Bike Polo – *Location varies – Follow the Facebook page for the most up to date information https://www.facebook.com/groups/189444801098241/
- Urban Bike Gallery – 4814 Nett Street. Wheels down 7:30 AM (Summer), 8 AM (Fall, Winter, Spring) – A, B groups, 35 – 50 Miles. Check Facebook page for details.
- Sugar Cycles Sunday Women’s Ride 20 Miles, 8am, Beginner Freindly, Sugar Cycles Store
- Houston Bayou Ride Departs 8am from Market Square Park, social pace
- Come Ride With Us Monthly Introductory Ride departs TC Jester Park at 8AM, minimum 14mph, 29 mile route,
- Sun & Ski Katy Mills Ladies Ride No drop ride 14-17 MPH / 30 miles. Meetup will be at KatyMills Sun & Ski at 6:45am and roll-out is promptly at 7:00am. There will be refreshments immediately following the ride. Also, each rider will enjoy 20% off one regular price cycling accessory or apparel item!
- West End Ladies Ride Join Team West End 2nd Sunday morning at West End Bikes for an easy paced, NO DROP ride through Houston. Please arrive at 7:30 am for a 8am roll out !
Let us know about your upcoming ride!